Tag Archives: two-factor

RBLTracker – Updated Two-Factor Authentication

Originally posted on Updated Two-Factor Authentication with RBLTracker

Your account security is extremely important to us here at RBLTracker. Since our initial inception, we’ve supported two-factor authentication using the Clef application, which provided an easy-to-use two-factor authentication, and single sign-on application.

With the recent news that Clef will be shutting down its services in early June (you can read all about it on the Clef blog), we’ve opted to remove support for it early, and implement an alternative two-factor authentication option using TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Passwords), a standard that won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

TOTP uses an algorithm to compute a one-time password, based on a shared secret and the current time. One benefit of TOTP, is that the 6-digit authentication token that is generated automatically rolls over with time, which dramatically reduces the susceptibility to phishing schemes.

There are many freely available TOTP clients, but RBLTracker recommends the Google Authenticator application, available for free, for Android, iOS, and Blackberry devices. You can learn more about it here:


Two-factor authentication is available today, and can optionally be enabled on any account on the RBLTracker system. For a complete tutorial on setting up two-factor authentication, see the Setting up Two-Factor Authentication guide.

RBLTracker: Two-factor Authentication using Clef

clef2You can now log in to your RBLTracker account using secure, two-factor authentication using Clef.

Clef is secure two-factor authentication using your mobile device, with no passwords or tokens, and no personal data is shared between RBLTracker and Clef.

Simply download the Clef Mobile App, and then register your RBLTracker account with Clef from the Profile page of your RBLTracker account.

Once registered, you can log in and log out of the RBLTracker interface using your mobile device- it’s that easy! If you have any questions or comments about using Clef, please let us know @ info@rbltracker.com

Two-factor authentication is available to all RBLTracker accounts. Sign up Today!