Mr.DNS Network Tools v1.9

This Mr.DNS release includes support for the AAAA (IPv6) record, the LOC record (for storing geo-location information in DNS)

and all the DNSSEC resource records (DNSKEY, RRSIG, NSEC, DS, NSEC3 and NSEC3PARAM).

This release is also the first release to us our new Net_DNS2 PEAR module. This module is significantly faster than the Net_DNS module, using new PHP5 constructs, exceptions, and includes many more RR’s.

Net_DNS2 is available for download from theĀ Google Code page, and soon from the PEAR site and command line PEAR installer.

Mr.DNS Network Tools v1.7

I’ve released a new version of the Mr.DNS Network Tools website.

This release just has one new feature – “Website Neighbors”; this gives you a comprensive list of all the websites hosted on the same IP address as the IP address or hostname provided.

Hosting hundreds if not thousands of sites, on a single IP address is fairly common practice for shared web hosting providers- there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, but this gives you a good idea of how many, and what sites are hosted on the same system as your website.

This list is never 100% complete, but it will give you a fairly accurate estimate.

Almost Time to Invest

On a related note, BP’s current share price of 42.95 might mean it’s almost time to pickup some of the company on the cheap.

The company has had a five year low of 35.15/share- it’ll be interesting to see how it opens on Tuesday given the failure of the Top Kill solution– I’d say depending on the feasibility of the next idea, if it gets into the low 30’s, it’s probably a good buy.

With the extra money, you can throw a really nice funeral for that part of you that dies.