Category Archives: Development

RBLTracker: New Flexible Pay-Per-Check Pricing Model

The RBLTracker system is an automated service that scans over 60 RBL’s, 20 URIBL’s, and the Google Safe Browsing database, to see if any of your IP addresses and website URL’s are currently blocked.rbltracker

As of Sept 1st,, RBLTracker is offering a pay-per-check pricing model through its new Ultimate package. This new package lets you add as many hosts to your account as you like, and rather than paying for a certain number of hosts, you pay a low, scaled price per-check.

How does this work?

Per-Check pricing means that you can monitor an unlimited number of hosts, by simply adding credits on your account towards checks. When the credit on your account runs out, the checks stop- it’s that simple.

The cost-per-check scales with the number of hosts on your account. The current per-check pricing sheet is as follows:

  • Between 0 and 199 hosts, the cost-per-check is $0.0050/check
  • Between 200 and 499 hosts, the cost-per-check is $0.0048/check
  • Between 500 and 999 hosts, the cost-per-check is $0.0045/check
  • 1000 hosts and up, the cost-per-check is $0.0040/check

Put as much or as little credit on your account as you like- it will never expire, and we’ll let you know when your credit is running out.

How many hosts can I really add?

Really, you can add as many as you’d like! We’ve already had a customer that added over 6000 hosts to their account!

What else comes with the Ultimate package?

The Ultimate package includes all the same features of our Enterprise package, which includes multiple checks per day, SMS notifications, and much more. See the pricing page for all the package details.

Click here to sign up for free and get started today!

Google Speech API – Full Duplex PHP Version

So this is a follow up to my post a while ago, talking about how to use the Google Speech Recognition API built in to Google Chrome.

Since my last post, Chrome has had some significant upgrades to this feature- specifically around the length of audio you can pass to the API. The old version would only let you pass very short clips (only a few seconds), but the new API is a full-duplex streaming API. What this means, is that it actually uses two HTTP connections- one POST request to upload the content as a “live” chunked stream, and a second GET request to access the results, which makes much more sense for longer audio samples, or for streaming audio.

I created a simple PHP class to access this API; while this likely won’t make sense for anybody that wants to do a real-time stream, it should satisfy most cases where people just want to send “longer” audio clips.

Before you can use this PHP class, you must get a developer API key from Google. The class does not include one, and I cannot give you one- they’re free, and easy to get just go to the Google APIs site, and sign up for one.


Then download the class below, and start with a simple example:

require 'google_speech.php';

$s = new cgoogle_speech('put your API key here'); 

$output = $s->process('@test.flac', 'en-US', 8000);      


Audio can be passed as a filename (by prefixing the ‘@’ sign in front of the file name), or by passing in raw FLAC content. The second argument is an IETF language tag. I’ve only been able to test with both English and French, but I assume others work. It defaults to ‘en-US’. The third argument is sample rate, it defaults to 8000.

** Your sample rate must match your file- if it doesn’t, you’ll either get nothing returned, or you’ll get a really bad transcription. **

The output will return as an array, and should look something like this:

    [0] => Array
            [alternative] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [transcript] => my CPU is a neural net processor a learning computer
                            [confidence] => 0.74177068
                    [1] => Array
                            [transcript] => my CPU is the neuron that process of learning
                    [2] => Array
                            [transcript] => my CPU is the neural net processor a learning
                    [3] => Array
                            [transcript] => my CPU is the neuron that process a balloon
                    [4] => Array
                            [transcript] => my CPU is the neural net processor a living
            [final] => 1

Get the PHP class here:

Net_DNS2 Version 1.3.1 Released

I’ve released version 1.3.1 of the PEAR Net_DNS2 library- you can install it now through the command line PEAR installer:

pear install Net_DNS2

Download it directly from the Google Code page here.

Or, you can also add it to your project using composer.

Version 1.3.1

  • added the Net_DNS2_Packet_Request and Net_DNS2_Packet_Response objects to the Net_DNS2_Exception object
  • added support in the TSIG class for SHA algorithms (requires the hash extension, which is included in PHP >= 5.1.2), patch provided by Manuel Mausz
  • added support for the NID, L32, L64, and LP DNS RR’s (RFC6742)
  • lots of phpcs cleanup

Mining Twitter API v1.1 Streams from PHP – with OAuth

This is a quick update to my post about a year ago, with details on how to mine Twitter streams in real-time using PHP. This new code includes updates for the v1.1 API, including authentication using OAuth.

The first thing you need to do is sign in to the Twitter developer portal with your Twitter account here: twitter_account

Once you’ve logged in, click on your profile icon in the top right hand corner, select
“My applications”, and create a new application if you don’t already have one.

Select the option to create the access token as well, as the requests need to be signed by a Twitter account.

The Code


class ctwitter_stream
    private $m_oauth_consumer_key;
    private $m_oauth_consumer_secret;
    private $m_oauth_token;
    private $m_oauth_token_secret;

    private $m_oauth_nonce;
    private $m_oauth_signature;
    private $m_oauth_signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1';
    private $m_oauth_timestamp;
    private $m_oauth_version = '1.0';

    public function __construct()
        // set a time limit to unlimited

    // set the login details
    public function login($_consumer_key, $_consumer_secret, $_token, $_token_secret)
        $this->m_oauth_consumer_key     = $_consumer_key;
        $this->m_oauth_consumer_secret  = $_consumer_secret;
        $this->m_oauth_token            = $_token;
        $this->m_oauth_token_secret     = $_token_secret;

        // generate a nonce; we're just using a random md5() hash here.
        $this->m_oauth_nonce = md5(mt_rand());

        return true;

    // process a tweet object from the stream
    private function process_tweet(array $_data)

        return true;

    // the main stream manager
    public function start(array $_keywords)
            $fp = fsockopen("ssl://", 443, $errno, $errstr, 30);
            if (!$fp)
                echo "ERROR: Twitter Stream Error: failed to open socket";
            } else
                // build the data and store it so we can get a length
                $data = 'track=' . rawurlencode(implode($_keywords, ','));

                // store the current timestamp
                $this->m_oauth_timestamp = time();

                // generate the base string based on all the data
                $base_string = 'POST&' . 
                    rawurlencode('') . '&' .
                    rawurlencode('oauth_consumer_key=' . $this->m_oauth_consumer_key . '&' .
                        'oauth_nonce=' . $this->m_oauth_nonce . '&' .
                        'oauth_signature_method=' . $this->m_oauth_signature_method . '&' . 
                        'oauth_timestamp=' . $this->m_oauth_timestamp . '&' .
                        'oauth_token=' . $this->m_oauth_token . '&' .
                        'oauth_version=' . $this->m_oauth_version . '&' .

                // generate the secret key to use to hash
                $secret = rawurlencode($this->m_oauth_consumer_secret) . '&' . 

                // generate the signature using HMAC-SHA1
                // hash_hmac() requires PHP >= 5.1.2 or PECL hash >= 1.1
                $raw_hash = hash_hmac('sha1', $base_string, $secret, true);

                // base64 then urlencode the raw hash
                $this->m_oauth_signature = rawurlencode(base64_encode($raw_hash));

                // build the OAuth Authorization header
                $oauth = 'OAuth oauth_consumer_key="' . $this->m_oauth_consumer_key . '", ' .
                        'oauth_nonce="' . $this->m_oauth_nonce . '", ' .
                        'oauth_signature="' . $this->m_oauth_signature . '", ' .
                        'oauth_signature_method="' . $this->m_oauth_signature_method . '", ' .
                        'oauth_timestamp="' . $this->m_oauth_timestamp . '", ' .
                        'oauth_token="' . $this->m_oauth_token . '", ' .
                        'oauth_version="' . $this->m_oauth_version . '"';

                // build the request
                $request  = "POST /1.1/statuses/filter.json HTTP/1.1\r\n";
                $request .= "Host:\r\n";
                $request .= "Authorization: " . $oauth . "\r\n";
                $request .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n";
                $request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n";
                $request .= $data;

                // write the request
                fwrite($fp, $request);

                // set it to non-blocking
                stream_set_blocking($fp, 0);

                    $read   = array($fp);
                    $write  = null;
                    $except = null;

                    // select, waiting up to 10 minutes for a tweet; if we don't get one, then
                    // then reconnect, because it's possible something went wrong.
                    $res = stream_select($read, $write, $except, 600, 0);
                    if ( ($res == false) || ($res == 0) )

                    // read the JSON object from the socket
                    $json = fgets($fp);

                    // look for a HTTP response code
                    if (strncmp($json, 'HTTP/1.1', 8) == 0)
                        $json = trim($json);
                        if ($json != 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK')
                            echo 'ERROR: ' . $json . "\n";
                            return false;

                    // if there is some data, then process it
                    if ( ($json !== false) && (strlen($json) > 0) )
                        // decode the socket to a PHP array
                        $data = json_decode($json, true);
                        if ($data)
                            // process it



The “process_tweet()” method will be called for each matching tweet- just modify that method to process the tweet however you want (load it into a database, print it to screen, email it, etc). The keyword matching isn’t perfect- if you search for a string of words, it won’t necessarily match the words in that exact order, but you can check that yourself from the process_tweet() method.

Then create a simple PHP application to run the collector:

require 'ctwitter_stream.php';

$t = new ctwitter_stream();

$t->login('consumer_key', 'consumer secret', 'access token', 'access secret');

$t->start(array('facebook', 'fbook', 'fb'));

You’ll need to provide the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and the Access Secret, all of which are available from the Details section of your Application.

This new class uses the PHP hash_hmac() function for OAuth, which is available only in PHP 5.2.1 and up, and in the PECL hash extension 1.1 and up.

You can also Download the file here:

Net_DNS2 Version 1.3.0 – More DNSSEC Features

This release includes many new DNSSEC changes, including a new, simple “dnssec” flag that tells the server to send all the DNSSEC related resource records for the given zone, as well as include the AD flag indicating if the data is authentic. This is analogous to the “+dnssec” option on the command line dig command.

Setting “dnssec” to true makes Net_DNS2 automatically add an OPT record to the additional section of the request, with the DO bit set to 1, indicating that we would like the DNSSEC information related to the given zone.

$resolver = new Net_DNS2_Resolver(array('nameservers' => array('')));

$resolver->dnssec = true;

$result = $resolver->query('org', 'SOA', 'IN');



Net_DNS2_Packet_Response Object
    [answer_from] =>
    [answer_socket_type] => 2
    [header] => Net_DNS2_Header Object
            [id] => 31102
            [qr] => 1
            [opcode] => 0
            [aa] => 0
            [tc] => 0
            [rd] => 1
            [ra] => 1
            [z] => 0
            [ad] => 1
            [cd] => 0
            [rcode] => 0
            [qdcount] => 1
            [ancount] => 2
            [nscount] => 0
            [arcount] => 1

    [question] => Array
            [0] => Net_DNS2_Question Object
                    [qname] => org
                    [qtype] => SOA
                    [qclass] => IN


    [answer] => Array
            [0] => Net_DNS2_RR_SOA Object
                    [mname] =>
                    [rname] =>
                    [serial] => 2010472684
                    [refresh] => 1800
                    [retry] => 900
                    [expire] => 604800
                    [minimum] => 86400
                    [name] => org
                    [type] => SOA
                    [class] => IN
                    [ttl] => 886
                    [rdlength] => 51

            [1] => Net_DNS2_RR_RRSIG Object
                    [typecovered] => SOA
                    [algorithm] => 7
                    [labels] => 1
                    [origttl] => 900
                    [sigexp] => 20130429014033
                    [sigincep] => 20130408004033
                    [keytag] => 31380
                    [signname] => org
                    [signature] => KBWEIC7BTypmbMTPU2KjCkPDbN1tV29ShWqa2zoGb4uQcRDBgYhz2ajpOaaJPrK+YY2E7BavLI+kulhJn9r/5kjXlOHQG/34B+OFlQwTTwHIRqtSmBu1qJorJSrSObQGVjZt4hteNVF6rfbS2u1m/Rh43eaoVCHfhJaeyr+MzLA=
                    [name] => org
                    [type] => RRSIG
                    [class] => IN
                    [ttl] => 886
                    [rdlength] => 151


    [authority] => Array

    [additional] => Array
            [0] => Net_DNS2_RR_OPT Object
                    [option_code] => 
                    [option_length] => 0
                    [option_data] => 
                    [extended_rcode] => 0
                    [version] => 0
                    [do] => 1
                    [z] => 0
                    [name] => 
                    [type] => OPT
                    [class] => 512
                    [ttl] => 32768
                    [rdlength] => 0
                    [rdata] => 


You can see that the response includes the original OPT RR in the additional section, with the DO bit set to 1. The header section also includes the AD bit set to 1, indicating that the server considers the data authentic.

I’ve also included the ability to adjust the AD flag  when making a query (to indicate to the server that we’d like the value of the AD bit, without having to set the DO bit in the OPT RR – see RFC6840 section 5.7), and to adjust the CD flag (telling the server that the client will perform it’s own signature validation).

Net_DNS2 does not validate the DNSSEC signatures itself, but it does provide all the data from DNS needed so that users can. Future versions of Net_DNS2 may provide support for this.

See the change log page for a full list of changes in this release.

You can install Net_DNS2 version 1.3.0 directly from PEAR, using the command line PEAR installer:

pear install Net_DNS2

Or download it directly from the Google Code page here.