Mr.DNS Network Tools v1.7

I’ve released a new version of the Mr.DNS Network Tools website.

This release just has one new feature – “Website Neighbors”; this gives you a comprensive list of all the websites hosted on the same IP address as the IP address or hostname provided.

Hosting hundreds if not thousands of sites, on a single IP address is fairly common practice for shared web hosting providers- there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, but this gives you a good idea of how many, and what sites are hosted on the same system as your website.

This list is never 100% complete, but it will give you a fairly accurate estimate.

One thought on “Mr.DNS Network Tools v1.7

  1. Karl SCHUH

    Hi Mike,
    your tools are fantastic. One place to get a lot of information about ones servers really fast and convenient! I love it.
    Thank You

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