Net_DNS2 Version 1.3.1 Released

I’ve released version 1.3.1 of the PEAR Net_DNS2 library- you can install it now through the command line PEAR installer:

pear install Net_DNS2

Download it directly from the Google Code page here.

Or, you can also add it to your project using composer.

Version 1.3.1

  • added the Net_DNS2_Packet_Request and Net_DNS2_Packet_Response objects to the Net_DNS2_Exception object
  • added support in the TSIG class for SHA algorithms (requires the hash extension, which is included in PHP >= 5.1.2), patch provided by Manuel Mausz
  • added support for the NID, L32, L64, and LP DNS RR’s (RFC6742)
  • lots of phpcs cleanup

One thought on “Net_DNS2 Version 1.3.1 Released

  1. sylar.chen

    hi, mike
    Thanks for your nice code! Now , I want to use you NET_DNS2 source code in my projects .The primarily purpose is to achive DNS request, such as the linux tool “dig”. But there is a bug where I debug the source code. I use “;” to resolve the domian “”, return a socket 10045 ERROR!!! . It’s mean to not support some socke operation. Error occurs on the read function of Sockets.php , about line 349. Can you give me some suggestions? I use these code in windows 7 system and the source code version is 1.3.1.
    if (@socket_set_nonblock($this->sock) === false) {

    $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
    $errorcode = socket_last_error();
    return false;
    the variable value off the $errorcode is 10045.
    Look forward to your reply, Thank you very much!
    sylar chen

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